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Proposed US immigration reform will attract tech talent

Proposed US immigration reform will attract tech talent
During a gathering of academics which took place at Washington’s Chamber of Commerce, Senator Marco Rubio stated that immigration reform will attract and keep top tech jobs and talent in the USA. America’s high-technology companies are concerned they cannot fill tens of thousands of vacant positions because immigration law restricts...

Immigration Reform Leading Issue as Obama Takes Oath of Office

Immigration Reform Leading Issue as Obama Takes Oath of Office
As President Barack Obama took his fourth official oath of office at the White House on Sunday, a new CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday 22nd January also demonstrates the Americans’ support of Obama’s immigration plans, including a clearer set path to citizenship. With Chief Justice John Roberts administering the short oath ceremony...

Singaporean businessman involved in Lee Chestnutt scandal

Singaporean businessman involved in Lee Chestnutt scandal
Following the report last week that Briton Lee Chestnutt is to remain trapped in Thailand although charges against him were dropped, a Singaporean businessman has told the same story. An article published by the Straits Times tells that Jaffrey Maharan’s legal dispute with his former landlord which had kept him in Thailand for three full...

Survey finds 79 percent of UK migrants wont return

Survey finds 79 percent of UK migrants wont return
A poll conducted at the end of 2012 attracted 1,168 British expat respondents, almost 80 per cent of whom said they had no intention of ever returning to the UK. The online survey by Freshminds on behalf of Lloyds TSB International questioned UK expats living in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, the USA, UAE, Switzerland, Spain, New...

Expat petition pushes for designated MPs for Brits abroad

Expat petition pushes for designated MPs for Brits abroad
Inspired by a French government initiative which created a constituency of Northern Europe with 11 MPs charged with representing expat interests, a UK expat petition is demanding the same. Peter Johnson, a retired police officer with experience of expat life in France, Malta, Germany and his present country of residence, Spain, has...

Victim of OZ immigration review fights for migrants rights

Victim of OZ immigration review fights for migrants rights
A New Zealand man who arrived in OZ with his parents 30 years ago but was stripped of his rights by new immigration laws in 2001 is fighting for the rights of other Kiwi migrants in similar situations. David Faulkner was six year old when he arrived in Australia, and was educated there, married an Australian wife and worked for Australian...

UK expat trapped in Thailand due to legal chaos

Posted on January 16, 2013 in Legal Visas
STORY LINK UK expat trapped in Thailand due to legal chaos
UK expat trapped in Thailand due to legal chaos
After a three-year legal battle was resolved in his favour, British expat Lee Chestnutt has been prevented from leaving Thailand due to his accuser’s lodging of an appeal. Originally, Lee Chestnutt was accused by his Bangkok landlord of criminal damage and theft of furniture from his rented apartment. Although all charges against him...

China relaxes rules for expat permanent residents

China relaxes rules for expat permanent residents
The Chinese government is relaxing registration and investment procedures for expat residents as well as making it easier to purchase property, get health insurance and educate their children in local schools. The surprise move is thought to be the result of new Chinese governmental awareness that global talent needs to be attracted to...

Ecuador simplifies residence visa regulations for expat retirees

Ecuador simplifies residence visa regulations for expat retirees
Would-be expat pensioners looking for less visa hassle are likely to welcome Ecuador’s easing of residential visa requirements for retirees. Huge strides have been made in simplifying the paperwork required, and new immigration offices with bilingual staff have been opened in Quito and Guayaquil. A recent surge in pensioners wishing to...

Huge cut in Irish nursing salaries may spark migration

Huge cut in Irish nursing salaries may spark migration
The Irish Ministry of Health’s newly announced nursing graduate scheme and its huge starting salary cuts is expected to spark a new wave of medical professional migration. The Ministry of Health is planning to recruit newly–graduated nurses at only 80 per cent of the lowest wage paid at present to nursing staff. Fully qualified and...